District of Innovation
House Bill 1842, passed during the 84th Legislative Session, provides the opportunity for Texas public school districts to pursue the designation of District of Innovation. This allows local school districts to obtain exemptions from certain provisions of the Texas Education Code to allow more flexibility and local control for innovative programming. On April 25, 2022, the Kilgore Independent School District passed a resolution to initiate the process of designation as a District of Innovation in order to increase local control over District operations and to support innovation and local initiatives to improve educational outcomes for the benefit of students in the community.
A committee comprised of 60% teachers and 40% administrators was convened in February and tasked with compiling ideas and input from students, teachers, parents and the community.
The draft version of the Kilgore ISD Local Innovation Plan was presented to the Kilgore ISD Board of Trustees at the May 28, 2017 Board meeting. Faculty and staff are continuing to work on innovations for KISD.
The Board of Trustees in their meeting on June 27, 2022, unanimously approved the Kilgore ISD Local Innovation Plan.
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District of Innovation Amendment(2023)
District of Innovation Committee
Legal Guidelines
District of Innovation Guidelines