Health Services
Kilgore ISD employs a school nurse at every campus to provide healthcare to students and staff, promote a healthy school environment and manage school health policies and programs.
Kilgore ISD Return to School Plan- COVID 19 (2022-2023)
Kilgore ISD Return to School Plan- COVID 19 (2022-2023)_Spanish
- School Illness - Return to School
- Medications at School
- Kilgore ISD School Health Advisory Council
- Health Screenings
- Immunizations
- Nursing Staff
School Illness - Return to School
It is through a cooperative effort that we provide a healthy and safe school environment for all students and school employees. We all agree that students need to be in school to learn. However, in order for our children to perform well they need to be healthy. Students who are assessed by the nurse, administrator or designee and are determined to have a possible communicable disease, show signs and symptoms of illness, or sustain an injury requiring medical attention, are to be dismissed from school. The following guidelines are provided:
1. The parent/legal guardian is the initial contact.
2. If the initial contact is unable to be reached, persons authorized as the student's emergency contact will be contacted.
Below are some basic guidelines we use to determine when to send students home and that can assist you to know when to keep them out of school.
To minimize the spread of illness, DO NOT send your child to school if they have:
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Uncontrolled coughing
- Trouble breathing
- Fever
- Eye: excessive drainage or watering; discharge; itching; redness
If a child has had fever, vomiting or diarrhea they should remain at home until they no longer have fever, vomiting or diarrhea for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing, antiemetic’s or antidiarrheal medications.
If your child has an infectious illness which requires medication that involves antibiotics (i.e. strep, pink eye, etc.), according to the State of Texas guidelines, the child must be on medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
Please remember that we CANNOT diagnose medical conditions. Therefore if you believe an injury or sickness is present, please contact your private health care provider.
Returning to School
Students excluded from school for reason of communicable disease may be readmitted by one of the following methods:
- The child must be fever-free and free of vomiting or diarrhea for 24 consecutive hours without the use of medications.
- Documentation from the child's physician stating they are released to return to school.
- Documentation for readmission issued by the local health authority.
Medications at School
To comply with Texas State Law:
- Students are NOT allowed to carry medications, prescription nor over-the-counter, at school with the exception of emergency medications such as an epi-pen or asthma inhaler (see "contract for self-carried medication" form below).
- All medications must be brought to school by a parent or guardian with signed consent form.
- Medications will need to be in the original/properly labeled container, up to date, and age appropriate in dose.
- All medications, including Tylenol or Ibuprofen, must be supplied by parent/guardian with signed consent form.
- All medications must be picked up before the end of the school year by the parent/guardian or it will be destroyed.
- Medications that can be administered before and after school hours should NOT be brought to school to be given by the nurse. These should be given at home.
- Authorized district employees may administer medication in the absence of the nurse.
- The first dose of a new medication needs to be given by parent/guardian at home and will not be given at school.
- No aspirin containing medications will be administered to any child under the age of 12 years.
- Any medication given for a period of longer than 15 days must be accompanied by a physician's note.
- Any medication that is to be administered on a campus (prescription or over the counter) will now require a provider’s signature along with a parent signature on permission form before the medication can be given to a student.
- The most current prescription bottle for all medications will be required when they are refilled or more doses are brought to campuses.
Kilgore ISD School Health Advisory Council
What is a SHAC?
Texas law (Texas Education Code, Title2, Chapter 28, 28.004) requires the establishment of a SHAC for every school district. A SHAC is a school district created advisory group, consisting of members from different areas of the community and school district. The job of the SHAC is to make sure that the school district’s health programs reflect local community values.
Mission Statement
The Kilgore ISD SHAC committee will advocate for and support the community, staff, and students in making good decisions to self manage their physical, social, and emotional health needs.
Vision Statement
The vision of the Kilgore ISD SHAC is to provide the necessary tools to help all students and staff reach their full physical, social, and emotional potential that will influence them for the rest of their lives.
Anyone interested in joining the SHAC or wanting more information, contact Charles Presley.
kilgore isd shac committee bylaws
Triennial review of KISD Wellness plan
2023-2024 SHAC Meeting Dates
Date | Time | Location |
September 28, 2023 | 1:00-2:00 p.m. | Kilgore ISD Administration Building |
December 7, 2023 | 1:00-2:00 p.m. | Kilgore ISD Administration Building |
September 28, 2023- shac committee minutes
September 28, 2024- shac committee meeting_audio
Helpful Information
Health Screenings
Hearing and Vision screenings are performed on all students yearly in the following grades:
Head Start
First Grade
Third Grade
Fifth Grade
Seventh Grade
All students new to Kilgore ISD and upon parent or teacher request
Spinal Screenings
Spinal Screenings are performed on students yearly in the following grades:
5th Grade Girls
7th Grade Girls
8th Grade Boys
**A referral letter will be sent home for any student who fails two consecutive screenings.