Bilingual/ESL/Dual Language
TEA has a new website for information regarding English learners.
There are pages for parents, teachers and administrators.
Click here for more information.
The Kilgore ISD Bilingual/ESL Program Manual can be found here.
The Texas Education Agency has a new publication called Creating a More Bilingual Texas.
La Agencia de Educacion de Texas tiene un libro nuevo llamada Creating a More Bilingual Texas.
Did you know...
- 20% of the student population in Texas public schools are English learners
- 90% of the English learners in Texas speak Spanish as a first language
- Texas serves just under 1 in 5 of the nations English learners
- 66% of the worlds population is bilingual
David Diaz
Director of Bilingual/ESL
903-988-3900 ext 2005
- Welcome / Bienvenidos
- Tools for Parents / Herramientos para Padres
- Tools For Teachers
- Dual Language News!
- ESL Certification
- TELPAS 2023
- Language Proficiency Assessment Committee
- Title III
- Web Resources for Bilingual/ESL
- Released TELPAS Reading
Welcome / Bienvenidos
Welcome to the Kilgore ISD Department of Bilingual/ESL/Title III web page! Our goal at KISD is to provide exemplary support and linguistic services for our English language learners, parents, and teachers. We believe that our students' backgrounds, languages, and experiences provide a rich platform for learning, and our staff strives each day to do whatever it takes to help each child be successful. We currently serve over 700 students in our Bilingual and ESL programs, and we have 6 languages represented by our students and parents: from English to Spanish, Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Urdu.
We are excited to continue our implementation of our Dual Language Program in the 2022-2023 school year. We offer One-Way Dual Language for our native Spanish speaking English learners as the bilingual program of choice, and we continue Two-Way Dual Language classrooms in Kindergarten through Fourth Grade for our native English speaking children to receive the academic and language benefits of this rigorous program model. The first cohorts lead the way in developing a quality program to prepare our students to be academically bilingual and biliterate. Using the Gomez and Gomez Dual Language Enrichment model (more information here), Kilgore Primary, Chandler Elementary, and Kilgore Intermediate Schools are paving the way for a culture of bilingualism on the campuses and throughout the district.
Currently, for all grades, KISD offers English as a Second Language (ESL) through content-based instruction and targeted pull-out, including intervention to support our students' language and academic needs. As our Dual Language Program continues to move up in the grade levels, we will continue to offer both Bilingual/Dual Language and ESL as appropriate for individual student needs.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if we can help you with anything. Our children are why we are here, and we firmly believe in holistically preparing every child for academic, affective, social, linguistic and cross-cultural success.
Bienvenido al website del Departamento Bilingüe / ESL / Título III de Kilgore ISD. Nuestra meta en KISD es proveer apoyo ejemplar y servicios lingüísticos para nuestros estudiantes aprendiendo inglés, sus padres y maestros. Creemos que los antecedentes, lenguas y experiencias de nuestros estudiantes constituyen una rica plataforma para el aprendizaje, y nuestro personal se esfuerza cada día por hacer lo que sea necesario para ayudar a cada niño a tener éxito. Actualmente contamos mas que 700 estudiantes en nuestros programas bilingües y ESL y tenemos 6 idiomas representados por nuestros estudiantes y padres: de inglés, español, vietnamita, camboyano,urdu.
Estamos muy contentos de continuar con nuestra implementation de nuestro Programa de Lenguaje Dual en el año escolar 2022-2023. Ofrecemos lenguaje dual unidireccional para nuestros estudiantes que hablan español como el programa bilingüe del distrito, y continuaremos lenguaje dual bidireccional en kinder hasta el cuarto grado para que nuestros niños que hablan inglés reciban los beneficios académicos y lingüísticos de este modelo de programa riguroso. Estas primeras cohortes liderarán el camino en el desarrollo de un programa de calidad para preparar a nuestros estudiantes a ser académicamente bilingües y biliterados. Usando el modelo de enriquecimiento dual de Gómez y Gómez (más información aquí), las Escuela Primaria, Chandler Elementary y Kilgore Intermediate School están preparando el camino para una cultura de bilingüismo en los campus y en todo el distrito.
Actualmente, para todos los grados, KISD ofrece inglés como segundo idioma (ESL) a través de instrucción basada en la clase e incluyendo grupo pequeño para apoyar el lenguaje de nuestros estudiantes y sus necesidades académicas. A medida que nuestro programa de lenguaje dual continúa subiendo en los niveles de grado, continuaremos ofreciendo ambos programas bilingüe/dual y el ESL según sea apropiado para las necesidades individuales del estudiante.
Por favor, no dude en contactar con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta o si podemos ayudarle con cualquier cosa. Nuestros hijos son la razón por la que estamos aquí, y creemos firmemente en la preparación holística de cada niño para el éxito académico, afectivo, social, lingüístico y cultural.
Tools for Parents / Herramientos para Padres
TEA Family Portal: Supporting English Learners in Texas
Dual Language FAQ: Gomez & Gomez FAQ
Learn easy Spanish and English with these sites:
The key is to pick one and stick with it!
Also, search YouTube for "Learn Spanish for kids" or "Aprender ingles para niños."
They have are hundreds of learning videos.
Speech Pathologist: Bilingual Speech Pathology
Spanish Playground is a website with seasonal songs, stories, pictures, vocabulary and other activities in Spanish.
Google Translate is a phone app that will show a word in Spanish, English, or 27 other languages with its hover feature using the camera.
Other Ideas to do together
- Watch TV in Spanish using subtitles.
- Watch familiar children's movies with captions in Spanish. You already know the plot, just focus on the vocabulary.
- Sing songs in Spanish with the radio/CD/DVD/etc.
- Read books in Spanish or follow along with an interactive book.
- Watch Spanish short films on YouTube.
- Label items in your home and practice reading the room.
- Keep a journal in Spanish. Read it together daily to see your progress.
Know Your Rights
Portal familiar de TEA: Apoyando a los estudiantes de inglés en Texas
Preguntas acerca de Lenguaje Dual: Gomez & Gomez FAQ
Aprende español e ingles con estos sitios:
Es importante escoger uno y practicarlo.
Also, search YouTube for "Learn Spanish for kids" or "Aprender ingles para niños." Tienen muchísimos videos para aprender.
Cuándo llevar a su hijo al patólogo del habla: Bilingual Speech Pathology
El sitio llamado Spanish Playground tiene muchos canciones, cuentos, dibujos, vocabulario y mas en ambos idiomas.
El applicacion Google Translate tiene la capacidad de mostrar una palabra en 29 idiomas, incluyendo ingles y español usando la camera de su telefono.
Otras ideas para hacer juntos
- Ver el televisor en ingles. Usar los subtitulas en Ingles.
- Ver películas conocidas para niños en español. Ya sabes lo que sucede. Puedes enfocarse en el vocabulario.
- Cantar en ingles con el radio, CD, DVD, etc.
- Leer cuentos o libros electrónicas.
- Ver películas cortas en ingles en YouTube.
- Nombra las cosas en su casa y practica leyéndolas.
- Mantenga un diario en ingles. Léelo cada día para ver su progreso.
Sus derechos
Tools For Teachers
Content Based Language Instruction
(CBLI) is an integrated approach to language instruction in which language is developed within the context of content delivery that is culturally and linguistically responsive.
News from TEA:
The Bilingual/ESL division of TEA has been busy collecting data and researching the best practices for Texas school programs, including remote learning. You can read more about them on the webpage linked below.
Five Instructional Methods for Accessing English Learners Using Remote Learning
Here are quick, easy (and seamless!) ways to integrate authentic language to make the content comprehensible for all students in your classroom each day:
- Accountable Talk
- Best Practices for Teaching English Learners
- Checks for Understanding
- ELPS Linguistic Instructional Alignment Guide
- ELPS Instructional Tool for Beginner and Intermediate Language Learners
- Gomez & Gomez Dual Language Training Institute
- Lead4ward
- Real Academia Espanola
- The Teacher Toolkit
- Using Sentence Frames
- Sentence Stems
- Bilingual Speech Pathology information
Learn Spanish phrases fast with these phrasebooks
Essential Spanish Phrase book for teachers
Essential Spanish Phrases for teachers
Dual Language News!
ESL Certification
TEA registration information can be accessed here.
Access the Region 7 ESL 154 Live Binder here for resources.
KISD teachers adding the Supplemental 154 ESL TExES certification
For teachers wishing to add the supplemental ESL certification and with your principals’ approval, here are the steps for you to take.
Study Guide/Test Prep
Study guides are available online and there is an online and a one-day exam prep at Region 7 scheduled throughout the year. There is no cost to teachers for this since KISD is a member of the Title III/Bilingual Contracted Service Co-ops.
- The Pass the TExES ESL Supplement is a guide that walks you through a process of studying for the test. KISD has books available. Contact the Bilingual/ESL Director to check one out.
- You can find more help from TEA at the English Learner website.
To register for the test, you need to go to TEA's Additional Certification Information webpage. The registration page is an outside source. Be sure you have a receipt showing the amount you paid with your name and date for reimbursement.
After passing the test go back to TEA's Additional Certification Information webpage where you will find the steps to log into your personal TEA account and update your certification. Be sure to give a copy to the HR office.
Upon completion of the above including passing the exam, submit receipts showing the amount paid for registration. The regular registration will be reimbursed. Emergency fees can not be reimbursed without prior approval. Certification updates are not reimbursable.
Language Proficiency Assessment Committee
The Texas LPAC Decision Making Process Manual is located at
KISD uses DMAC for all LPAC forms.
Accommodation resources for state testing may be found at TEA Accommodations.
LPAC resources may be found at TEA LPAC.
allowable use of bea funds- comprehensive pd plan
building bilingual and esl programs
Title III
Title III, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), aims to ensure that English learners (ELs) and immigrant students attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English. Title III will also assist all English learners to meet the same challenging State academic standards that all children are expected to meet.
As a recipient of Title III funds, Kilgore ISD uses these funds to provide supplementary instructional materials and support for our English learners. Title III funds must strictly be used to supplement and enhance language support services and instructional effectiveness and not supplant state-required initiatives.
As such, KISD utilizes Title III allotment for the following:
- Additional language support through paraprofessionals
- Software for PK-8 students
- Rosetta Stone software for 4-12 students
- Supplemental instructional materials for teachers, based on student need
- Region 7 Staff Development including ESL certification training for content area teachers to improve EL instructional practices
Allowable uses of Title III funding
title iii faq- allowable use of funds
Web Resources for Bilingual/ESL
English Language Learners Portal: All things ELL, LPAC, Chapter 89
Spanish Playground: A site for young Spanish and English learners
Colorin Colorado: A bilingual site for families and educators of English language learners, Access in Spanish and English
Stanford Graduate School of Education: A free site with video examples of EL instruction and teacher commentary-great for PD!
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Internet Teachers of ESL Journal: An internet journal of articles and instructional methods for educators of ELs
The Big Deal Book: Resources and strategies for educators of ELs
The Teaching Channel: Free videos, resources, and blogs focused on instruction
The Bilingual Planet: Bilingual classroom resources and videos examples
Reading Naturally: Helps differentiate instruction for struggling readers
PIPO: A collection of educational software for early learning