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Drug Free Schools

Kilgore Independent School District Drug Free Schools Program PreK-12

The "Abuse Banish Curriculum" is a comprehensive Pre-K through 12 educational program. It is constantly evaluated and revised according to the needs of the students.  The program is age appropriate, developmentally based and involves the students in gaining factual information, developing peer leadership skills and building positive self concepts.

Kilgore ISD Objectives:

The students will:

  • Say NO to drugs
  •  Make wise decisions
  •  Develop problem solving skills
  •  Develop leadership skills
  •  Develop positive self images
  •  Develop positive character traits
  •  Think critically
  •  Communicate effectively
  •  Develop positive relationships
  •  Develop healthy alternatives to drug use


KISD is committed to:

  •  A drug free school climate
  • Establishing rules and policies prohibiting drugs or drug use on campuses
  •  Enforcing policies against drugs and drug use
  •  Implementing a comprehensive drug free prevention curriculum
  •  Reaching out to community for support and assistance
  •  Providing teachers and parents with drug awareness training

Programs at each campus are designed to provide activities and support in the areas of drug prevention, intervention, treatment and maintenance.

The district is committed to providing the support necessary to enable the district students to be drug free, and to provide programs for parent training in ways which may increase their viability as a parent.

parents' pledge to fight drugs

Drug Testing for Students